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300 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830
203-869-7191 • Fax: 203-661-4811 • info@templesholom.com

Weitzman Library and Media Center

The Weitzman Library and Media Center is located on the second floor of the Educational Wing, and contains a wide array of resource material covering all aspects of Jewish life. Books are categorized by topic of Jewish interest — holidays, life cycle events, religious material, history, cooking, humor and fiction. Our youngest visitors will find something fun to read in a special section provided by the Temple Sholom Selma Maisel Nursery School. 

A substantial collection of music CD’s includes the complete Milken Archive of American Jewish Music. The Milken Archive provides a recorded panorama of the rich body of American Jewish music, both sacred and secular. 

The library collection features almost 150 DVD’s from the Jewish Heritage Video Collection (a project of the Jewish Media Fund). This collection includes films for children (Prince of Egypt, Shalom Sesame), comedies (Blazing Saddles, Annie Hall, Sid Caesar in Your Show of Shows), Holocaust (The Diary of Anne Frank, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, Schindler’s List), international Jewry (Chariots of Fire, Fiddler on the Roof), Israel (Cast a Giant Shadow, Over the Ocean), the Jewish experience in America (Avalon, Gentleman’s Agreement, The Way We Were), and religion and identity (Great Figures of the Bible with Elie Wiesel, The Journey). Also available is the 2-disc set of the PBS series The Jewish Americans: A Series by David Grubin. Liev Schreiber narrates this six-hour documentary that follows 350 years of Jewish-American history, from the first settlement in the 17th century to the present, and explores the experience of immigration and assimilation. 

To learn more about these wonderful materials, contact the Temple office at 203-869-7191.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785